#and i will not stand for this slander on his character





Klaus: I got sent to the Vietnam war and was put through series emotional trauma

Five: I was in the apocalypse for 45 years

Luther: Dad sent me to the moon and never even opened the research

You mean:

-I was also put through serious emotional trauma

-I’ve been suicidal and canonically self harm

-I have an eating disorder

-I am just now coming off of four years of isolation

-I’m also just now realizing I have been abused and manipulated my whole life

-was blamed for my brothers death and have dealt with the guilt all these years

-I was manipulated and abused so severely that I didn’t even realize it for 29 years and sacrificed my whole life for a lie

-I almost died in an accident and have PTSD from it

-I was then mutilated against my will and now have a literally nonhuman body, which I also have PTSD from

-Which also gave me severe body dysmorphia

-my first time having sex was nonconsensual

-probably also mind fucked by the one person I’ve ever romantically loved

-who I also just watched almost die

Reblogging for comment, y'all Luther haters really wanna reach but y'all keep losing

Just wanted to add that the trauma of “I’m also just now realizing I’ve been abused and manipulated my whole life” should never be understated. You guys remember Inside Out, where Riley spends the whole movie trying not to feel sad about her most cherished childhood memories, so much so that she winds up plunging into depression over it? Multiply the disaster and destruction in her brain by ten, and you have what happens when you realize that the parents you loved were actually abusive. Moments you thought were funny turn out to be sinister, moments you thought were full of warmth and caring were actually full of manipulation. You lose your childhood, and it’s a lot like losing a loved one. 

Also,teens who don’t rebel against their parents raise more psychological red flags than teens who do. Luther’s failure to rebel against Reginald until his thirties doesn’t mean he was stupid or somehow complicit in the abuse; it means he did not feel safe enough within Reginald’s authority to develop his own personality. 
